Governing Bodies Of Society
Governing Bodies Of Society
Governing Bodies Of Society
Supervisory council
Governing bodies of OST sh.a. are:
- Supervisory council
- Administrator
The Supervisory Board consists of 5 (five) members who are appointed by the General Assembly.
- Mrs. Vasilika VjeroÂ
- Mrs. Viola Haxhiademi
- Mrs. Lira Pipa
- Mr. Endrit Yzeiraj
- Mr. Antonio Bushati
Competencies of the Supervisory Board:
The Supervisory Board appoints the Administrator of the company.
The Supervisory Board, as the supervisory body, oversees the implementation of the company’s commercial policies and their compliance with the law and the statute. He has the competence:
- To control and supervise the implementation of the company's trade policies by the administrator
- To prepare, at the request of the General Assembly, the taking of measures, which are within the competence of the latter, to recommend to it the necessary decisions to be taken, as well as to implement the decisions of the assembly;
- To convene a meeting of the General Assembly, whenever deemed necessary for the interests of society;
- Ensure that the company complies with the law and accounting standards;
- Examine and check the accounting books, documents and assets of the company;
- Ensure that the annual financial statements, performance reports, as well as other reporting and publication obligations, mandatory by law or statute, are performed accurately by the Administrator.
- These documents must be approved and signed by all members of the Supervisory Board for submission to the General Assembly, together with a report of the Supervisory Board for approval and a description of management oversight throughout the financial year;
- These documents must be approved and signed by all members of the Supervisory Board for submission to the General Assembly, together with a report of the Supervisory Board for approval and a description of management oversight throughout the financial year
- Ensure that the audit of accounting books and records is performed at least once a year by an authorized, independent accounting expert and that the audit report to the General Assembly is made available to all members of the Supervisory Board and the administrator. . The report of the Supervisory Board, mentioned above, should also contain the opinion on the audit report;
- To approve the Annual Program and its amendments, as well as the short-term, medium-term and long-term activity of the Company submitted by the Administrator;
- To approve the opening of new activities or units (branches, representative offices, etc. inside and outside the territory of Albania) according to the legislation in force;
- Determine the remuneration of the Administrator;
To approve the creation of new companies and the participation in the capital of other companies within the limits of the law according to the provisions of article 5 point 5.1 of this Statute.