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Governing Bodies Of Society

Governing Bodies Of Society

Supervisory council

Governing bodies of OST sh.a. are:

  1. Supervisory council
  2. Administrator
The Supervisory Board consists of 5 (five) members who are appointed by the General Assembly.


  • Mrs. Vasilika Vjero 


  • Mrs. Viola Haxhiademi 
  • Mrs. Lira Pipa
  • Mr. Endrit Yzeiraj
  • Mr. Antonio Bushati

Competencies of the Supervisory Board:

The Supervisory Board appoints the Administrator of the company.

The Supervisory Board, as the supervisory body, oversees the implementation of the company’s commercial policies and their compliance with the law and the statute. He has the competence:

Administrator of OST sh.a.

Elisian Bici