Transmission System Operator

Transmission System Operator performs the functions of Dispatch System Operator

The electricity transmission system in Albania is managed by the Transmission System Operator (OST sh.a.), a public company with 100% of state shares.

The Transmission System Operator performs the functions of a Market Operator
About us
OST sh.a. was established on July 14, 2004, as a result of the reform and division of the Albanian Electricity Corporation, from a company organized vertically with functions of generation, transmission and distribution of electricity, into three separate companies. The TSO performs the functions of Transmission Network Operator, Dispatch System Operator and Market Operator.


Environmental Strategy
![belindaballuku_20201214_224221[1] belindaballuku_20201214_224221[1]](https://ost.al/wp-content/uploads/elementor/thumbs/belindaballuku_20201214_2242211-qsl6kwnza35tesfxnwf52ubwcx97su5fs27zusunpk.jpg)

OST sh.a. operates from April 1st 2021 the Albanian Balancing Market in which the respective procedures are organized for the provision of Reserve Capacity and Balancing Energy for balancing the system based on the Balancing Market Rules.
Market Operator
The Market Operator administers and supervises the Albanian Electricity Market, in accordance with Law no. 43/2015 “On the Electricity Sector”, and “Provisional Rules of the Electricity Market” as well as national and international legislation on electricity.