Environmental Strategy
Environmental Strategy
At the end of the certification process in the field of environmental management, the Transmission System Operator was provided with Certificate No. AQC / A / 35592018, dated 05.12.2018 for the Environmental Management System according to ISO 14001: 2015 standards.
The essential part of the Environmental Management System is the EMS manual, which consists of the Environmental Policies.
Pjesa thelbësore e Sistemit të Menaxhimit Mjedisor, është manuali i SMM, në përbërje të të cilit janë Politikat Mjedisore.
The Transmission System Operator, in accordance with the directives of the European Community and the International Standards for environmental protection and safety, has drafted the orientation strategy for this purpose:
On the basis of this Environmental Strategy OST sh.a. has developed an environmental database in order to take measures to minimize the environmental impact on its activity.General Environmental Information updated: